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Study in Finland

Finland (Finnish name Suomi) is a republic with a population of 5.3 million. The capital city is Helsinki. Finland is an advanced industrial economy.




The Finnish higher education system consists of two complementary sectors universities and polytechnics-in which the admission requirement is secondary education diploma, either general or vocational. The polytechnics are sometimes called universities of applied sciences.


Universities, which are academic or artistic intuitions, focus on research as well as undergraduate and postgraduate education based on research. All the 20 universities in Finland are state owned and are mostly financed from the state budget. They confer bachelors, masters, licentiate and doctoral degree. Also, there are 29 polytechnics in the country. Focusing on the vocational disciplines, Polytechnics award polytechnic degree and polytechnic master’s degree.

The higher educational system, which compromises universities and polytechnics, is being developed as an internationally competitive entity capable of responding flexibility to national and regional needs.

Universities in Finland :

University of Helsinki

University of Joensuu

Univsersity of Jyvaskyla

University of Kuopio

University of Lapland

University of Oulu

University of Tampere

University of Turku

University of Vaasa

Abo Akademi University

Lappeenranta University of Technology

Tampere University of Technology

Helsinki University of Technology

Helsinki School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics

Turku School of Economics and Business Administration

Academy of Fine Arts

Sibelius Academy

University of Art and Design

Theatre Academy


CIMO (Centre for International Mobility, Finland) awards and administers scholarships for international students who pursue studies or research after the master's or doctoral degree. Nearly 700 foreign Students receive this scholarship ever year.

Finnish education and science policy is geared to promote quality, efficiency, equity and Internationalism. Universities and polytechnics are required by law to evaluate systematically their quality and performance. The Finnish educational system enjoys global reputation.

Out of the 20 universities in the Ministry of Education, ten are multidisciplinary. The remaining ten universities comprise three schools of economics and business administration, three universities of technology, and four art academies.

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